Building the Kingdom

Generation to Generation

“The heavens declare the glory of God, the skies proclaim the work of His hands.”

-Psalms 19:1

Become a Better Version of Yourself Through God’s Wisdom

Navigate a life guided by the Lord. At Kingdom Mandate International, we are committed to helping all individuals in getting to know God and applying His word into our lives.

Kingdom Mandate International

Our Goal

To teach people how to do the work of the ministry and operate in the authority they have been provided in the Kingdom of Heaven, to walk in, and receive the reality of the “Kingdom” here on earth. 

Our Purpose

Creator God's original intent for mankind and recognition of humanity's original potential. As you explore what is offered by this ministry you will discover scriptural validation of man-kinds intended purpose on planet earth, which is to demonstrate on earth all that creator God has accomplished in the spirit realm. 


Our Goal is to enhance individual recognition of identity and significance within the body of Christ affording opportunity for personal participation in the creators intended purpose and plan.

Kingdom Mandate International

Our Mission

We are a faith based ministry actively involved in propagating the gospel of Jesus Christ and revealing the principles of The Kingdom of God contained in each of us by way of Holy Spirit directed teaching of God’s word.  We believe in facilitating the opportunity for praise and worship of God in a corporate setting in conjunction with revelatory presentation of God’s creation mandate as recorded in the Word of God. 

Our intention is to be a bridge between knowledge and application of the biblical principles of human conduct.  To provide scriptural insight relative to wisdom, health and wealth, deliverance, victory and restoration of Kingdom Realities. 


The Creator’s Plan for Mankind

God's original intent for us is to recognize humanity’s original potential. As we guide and assist you in exploring our ministry, you will discover the scriptural validation of mankind and our intended purpose on Earth. This is to show that people should demonstrate what God has accomplished in the spirit realm.

Get in Touch With Us

Let us help you live a life with God. For more information regarding our ministry, please reach out to us today. We look forward to hearing from you soon.